Friday, November 28, 2014

And so it begins...with a risky leap!

"This is my first blog post! Yayyyy! I'm so excited!" Is that how newbies are supposed to begin their first blog? Am I the only one who, with those beginning words, really means "I have no idea how to start this thing and it's quite possible I'll just be blogging to myself"? Can we be real here? Please know if you choose to continue reading this blog and/or choose to follow this blog, I must "keep it real" about my journey, my victories, my struggles, the facts, and that may very well need to be a humorous telling so I can help me get over myself!

Since we're "keepin it real," let's talk about how I got into this whole blog situation in the first place. I've been told many times that I should be blogging. Respectfully-Opinionated Talker = Blogger? Yeah, I wasn't convinced about that so it was pretty easy to "politely ignore" those first 50 or so "You need to blog" suggestions. Then November 22nd happened and I'm happily minding my own business, enjoying my first American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) conference. My former friend (I unfriended her just a few moments ago) Amy Lenord (@alenord) recommended to Laura Sexton (@SraSpanglish) and to Sara-E. Cottrell (@SECottrell) that we should meet. These three ladies really are a few of my language teaching/learning heroes so I'm thinkin' "Cool. I get to meet two more of my language teaching heroes." Except it wasn't cool. It wasn't cool at all actually because these women quickly dispensed with the pleasantries and commenced to doing what they do best - push others (students and colleagues) right out of their comfort zones. There I was comfortably learning, growing, and sharing with my friends, my colleagues, and the few folks who have seen me present at a conference, workshop, or training. But noooo...That wasn't enough for these "pushy heffas" who said I need to be blogging so that they have greater access to my thoughts, ideas, and journey. Access to my thoughts, ideas, and a blog??? What the what?!? Ummm, I don't think you understand! My thoughts, ideas, and journey can be pretty scary for me to share with myself and downright petrifying to even think of sharing with other a blog! Ugh...and so it begins.

With all due respect, I hope you have some "pushy heffas" in your life too. You know, the ones who won't let you live, give, or be less than you were designed to live, give, or be. These are the ones you prayed for because fear or insecurity sometimes has a way of clouding that "just try it" you manage to encourage others with daily. It was the encouragement from my friends, family, and finally the aforementioned encounter with my language heroes that made the "call to blog" again on November 22nd one that couldn't be ignored any longer. what? How do I end this thing? Do I sign off with a reflection question that points you to the deeper meaning of today's post? Or maybe I should end with a statement about those encouraging you to take the risk that you've tried your best to disregard.  Then again, I wonder if I just sign off with something deeply simple that will be my "brand" at the end of each blog something like "Work in progress"...I'll keep working on this closing piece of the blog because this certainly won't be my last one! (Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure that was another newbie blogging cliché...Look, you can't keep reading my blogs if you're gonna be all judg(ie) about my novice level blogging proficiency! #justsayin)


  1. Good job taking the leap! I am so glad to know that you have joined the language blogosphere not just because your voice is an important one, but because it will help you process all you are learning, especially since you have embarked upon a new fork in your teaching journey that so many need to benefit from. I hope you will share those adventures with the world. Happy Blogging!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I guess I'll re-friend you. Hahahaha! This is a new fork, indeed. Watch out world! Scary yet thrilling at the same time!
